wpkg --debug | -D ...
Short Hand
wpkg -D
The --debug option can be used to help debug the wpkg system and also at times to help you understand problems with your package structure (especially the Create Graph Files debug flag!)
The command takes one number that represents flags as defined below. When a flag is set, the corresponding debug information is displayed. The flags are mapped to the dpkg flags and thus some of them are not used by wpkg which, for example, does not implement triggers.
The following list can be generated in your console using the following help command:
wpkg --help debug
Flags | Comments |
000001 | Progress information. |
000002 | Invocation and status of maintainer scripts. |
000004 |
Create graph files (.dot files) from the directed acyclic graph of packages. You can later convert them to images. (see below for additional details) |
000010 | Output for each file processed. |
000020 | Output for each configuration file. |
000040 | Details about dependencies and conflicts. |
000100 | Detailed output for each file being processed. |
000200 | Detailed output for each configuration file being processed. |
000400 | Detailed output about dependencies and conflicts. |
001000 | Database details. |
002000 | Full details of everything. |
004000 | Progress information, especially for installations and removals. |
010000 | Trigger activation and processing (not implemented in wpkg). |
020000 | Detailed output for each trigger (not implemented in wpkg). |
040000 | All output about each trigger (not implemented in wpkg). |
077777 | Turn ON all debug flags at once. |
Note that the --debug option has priority over the --quiet and --verbose options. This means that you will get all the debug messages whether or not you specified the --quiet or --verbose options on the command line.
The -D 4 option gives you graphs in the current directory when you run a command that generates a directed acyclic graph of your packages (i.e. --install will show you a graph of all the packages installed, to be installed, and available if you have repositories.) The output are .dot files such as install-graph-3.dot.
Under Linux, you can convert .dot files to images with a command line such as:
dot -Tsvg install-graph-3.dot >install-graph-3.svg
The result is an SVG image that you may check out with gimp, display, your browser...
You may run dot under cygwin on a MS-Windows system.