Installation State Chart

Conceptually, the --unpack, --configure, --install, --deconfigure, --remove, and --purge commands are easy to understand.

However, it can be mind bugging when you think of the large number of possibilities this actually represents.

All packages have a status. The status changes as you unpack, configure, deconfigure, remove packages. There are 3 types of status: valid, working, unknown. The valid statuses are defined in the following table:

Status Commands Comment
Not-Installed Nothing
--remove + --deconfigure
The package was never installed or was purged.
Unpacked --unpack
--install + --deconfigure
The package was unpacked on the target.
Installed --install
--unpack + --configure
The package was installed on the target.
Conf-Files --install + --remove The package was installed then removed.

There are some statuses that can be fixed with the --remove or --purge command line options. Other commands are likely to fail with an error saying that the package does not have a valid status. The following table shows those statuses:

Status Comment
Half-Installed Considered as Installed when removing or purging.
Half-Configured Considered as Installed when removing or purging.

There are some other statuses that happen while the packager is doing work. Those status should never remain in a package. If so, only the --repair command can be used to fix the problem.

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